Like small pills of entertainment, short clips that don’t have a place in other fromis_9 videos find a home in fromisoda. The series first started on V LIVE under the name of Mini Diary, but was rebranded in 2021. The “soda” in its name comes from the Korean initials of the original series.
✔️ - English Subtitles
❌ - No English Subtitles
▶️ - No Dialogue
✔️ 210222 . fromisoda #1 - Gyuri, Nagyung & Jiheon
✔️ 210224 . fromisoda #2 - Gyuri, Nagyung & Jiheon
✔️ 210226 . fromisoda #3 - Gyuri
✔️ 210302 . fromisoda #4 - Saerom, Jiwon & Seoyeon
✔️ 210304 . fromisoda #5 - Hayoung
✔️ 210310 . fromisoda #6 - Jiwon
✔️ 210312 . fromisoda #7 - Seoyeon
✔️ 210316 . fromisoda #8 - Seoyeon
✔️ 210318 . fromisoda #9 - Hayoung & Gyuri
✔️ 210322 . fromisoda #10 - Hayoung & Jiwon (ft. Gyuri)
✔️ 210323 . fromisoda #11 - Hayoung, Gyuri & Jiheon (ft. Jiwon & Seoyeon)
✔️ 210331 . fromisoda #12 - Saerom, Hayoung, Jiwon, Seoyeon, Chaeyoung & Nagyung
✔️ 210401 . fromisoda #13 - Jiwon & Chaeyoung (ft. Saerom, Hayoung, Seoyeon & Nagyung)
▶️ 210405 . fromisoda #14
✔️ 210406 . fromisoda #15 - Hayoung, Gyuri, Jisun, Chaeyoung & Nagyung
✔️ 210407 . fromisoda #16
✔️ 210413 . fromisoda #17 - Jiwon & Jisun
✔️ 210414 . fromisoda #18
✔️ 210427 . fromisoda #19 - Hayoung & Nagyung
✔️ 210429 . fromisoda #20 - Saerom, Hayoung, Gyuri, Jisun, Seoyeon, Chaeyoung & Nagyung
✔️ 210802 . fromisoda #21 - Saerom, Jiwon & Jisun
✔️ 210803 . fromisoda #22 - Seoyeon, Nagyung & Jiheon
✔️ 210804 . fromisoda #23 - Hayoung, Gyuri & Chaeyoung
✔️ 210809 . fromisoda #24 - Saerom, Jiwon & Nagyung (ft. Hayoung)
✔️ 210810 . fromisoda #25 - Jiwon & Jiheon
✔️ 210811 . fromisoda #26 - Nagyung
✔️ 210813 . fromisoda #27 - Saerom, Hayoung & Jisun
✔️ 210817 . fromisoda #28 - Gyuri & Jiheon
✔️ 210818 . fromisoda #29 - Jiheon
✔️ 210820 . fromisoda #30 - Jiwon, Jisun & Seoyeon (ft. Saerom, Chaeyoung & Jiheon)
✔️ 210823 . fromisoda #31 - Nagyung & Jiheon
✔️ 210824 . fromisoda #32 - Saerom, Jisun & Jiheon
✔️ 210904 . fromisoda #33
✔️ 210904 . fromisoda #34
✔️ 210923 . fromisoda #35 - Hayoung, Gyuri & Seoyeon
✔️ 210924 . fromisoda #36 - Jiwon, Jisun & Seoyeon
✔️ 210927 . fromisoda #37 - Saerom, Jiwon, Jisun & Chaeyoung
✔️ 211004 . fromisoda #38
✔️ 211011 . fromisoda #39 - Saerom, Hayoung, Jiwon & Nagyung
✔️ 211025 . fromisoda #40 - Saerom, Hayoung, Gyuri, Jisun & Seoyeon
✔️ 211026 . fromisoda #41 - Jiwon, Jisun, Chaeyoung & Nagyung
✔️ 211101 . fromisoda #42 - Saerom & Hayoung
✔️ 211122 . fromisoda #43 - Saerom & Seoyeon
✔️ 211129 . fromisoda #44 - Hayoung
✔️ 211206 . fromisoda #45 - Jisun
✔️ 220321 . fromisoda #46
▶️ 220504 . fromisoda #47 'LOVE BOMB' stage @ fromis day
▶️ 220525 . fromisoda #48 ‘WE GO’ stage @ Kyung Hee University Spring Festival
▶️ 221022 . fromisoda #49 ’Airplane Mode’ stage @ LOVE FROM.
▶️ 221023 . fromisoda #50 ’Up And’ stage @ LOVE FROM.